Emily's Cap Affair
7:30:00Fotos propiedad de Emily Bett, Just Jared y EmilybettBR |
¡Sí de algo estamos seguros es que Emily no sale de su casa sin su jockey favorito! Es solo cosa de meterse a su instagram para darse cuenta. Lo mejor para nuestra Felicity es que esta tendencia está full de moda y ella logró tomarla y convertirla en parte esencial de su estilo. Eso es lo increíble de la moda que muchas veces las tendencias nos quedan tan bien que podemos aplicarla a nuestro estilo, de tal manera que aunque deje de ser tendencia podremos lucirla igual!
If there is something we are sure of is that Emily doesn't go out of her home without her favorite cap! You only need to go to her instagram to notice that. The best of all, its that this trend is full in right now and she manage to transform it into a signature part of her style. That the beauty of fashion trends, sometimes one of them will be so perfect for us that it can become part of our personal style to the point were it doesn't matter if its out of style we can still Rock it!
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